Systemic Therapy
The practice of systemic counselling is based on concepts in the systemic-theoretical approaches of disciplines in the natural, humanities and social sciences. The practice makes it possible to accurately determine such complex phenomena as affect and impair human life and coexistence and to develop an appropriate method for explaining them and their progressive momentums. According to systemic understanding, a human being is always to be considered at once as a biological and social being of a particular system (provenance system).
When is individual counselling, and when is couples counselling appropriate?
In systemic therapy we do not see an individual as sick, but as a carrier of the symptoms of a failing system. Such symptoms are expressions of relationships and vehicles of communication within a system and always already a consequence of previous intents at problem-solving.
Social systems and individuals alike desperately yearn for change, yet for a variety of reasons cling to old patterns with a wholly unnecessary amount of energy. That is why certain concepts and methods are required to make rigid thought, behavioural and relationship patterns visible and to recognise ones own resources in changing them.
In light of increasingly more complex societal and social developments, this counselling concept has distinctly begun to assert itself.
It is about finding that difference which makes the difference.
Individual Counselling
It really can happen to anybody - a wearying situation or irksome emotions may lead to our heads going around in circles. We ourselves lack the emotional distance and change of perspective to see a situation with composure and develop clear ways to solve a problem. Friends are often involved emotionally and thus not competent problem-solvers for finding adequate solutions. In such cases it is helpful to engage someone with a neutral vantage point on ones situation. The point of individual counselling is a resource-orientated consultation with the individual without pathologizing their symptoms. It is about the expansion of thought and action through new creative possibilities, with the goal of maximising their effect.
Couples Therapy
Partners bring lived and learned ideas and concepts into a relationship. Two people become a couple and try to create a shared lived reality, construct a very personal truth, and depending on various factors permit more or less interpersonal differences. Systemically orientated couples counselling is about exactly this de- and reconstruction of a relationship and motivates partners to seek novelty in a change of perspective and thus create a new 'we'.
Couples Counselling
The relative demands made respectively to the other person in a relationship have changed drastically in the past few decades. A shared life is no longer solely about raising children or the safeguarding or a particular standard of life - the individual needs of the respective partners are becoming increasingly more important. This is due in no small part to the changing social roles allocated to the genders, as well as the increasing demands placed on individuals by society. All of us are subject to these unpredictable developments and changes, and not always are these in line with our personal needs and desires. Here the ability to communicate and having a certain finesse and tactfulness is important to maintain certain commonalities but newly define others. If aggravating exterior burdens borne of work and/or family life are added - the partner perhaps appears less attentive as a result - a couples crisis is often inevitable. An emotionally non-involved person can often help in such situations, and positively impact on the events of a personal relationship through a clarifyingly open perspective.
relationship / marriage / family
The objective with couple counselling is first and foremost the establishment of a framework in which both partners can open up about their - often disparate - wishes, needs and..
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In der Einzelberatung geht es darum, den Klienten und vor allem das "Problemverhalten" im Kontext der Beziehungen in und mit seiner Umgebung zu verstehen. Probleme oder Symptome sind..
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papa / kind special
Dies hier ist ein spezielles Angebot für allein- erziehende Väter, geschiedene Väter, getrennt lebende Väter. Es bietet einen geschützten Raum für Fragen, Sorgen und Nöte, die man nicht..
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Entwicklungsplan "vom Kind zum
Hier finden Sie die Basis der emotionalen, sozialen, geistigen & körperlichen Entwicklung des Menschen von 0-40+ auf einen Blick. Individuelle Dynamik inbegriffen.
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